TS EN IEC 62368-1 Test Probe | MT-68

  TS EN IEC 62368-1 Test Probe | MT-68; of IEC 62368 is applicable to the safety of electrical and electronic equipment within the field of audio, video, information and communication technology, and business and office machines with a rated voltage not exceeding 600 V. This document does not include requirements for performance or functional characteristics of equipment. NOTE 1 Examples of equipment within the scope of this document are given in Annex A. Note 1- A rated voltage of 600 V is considered to include equipment rated 400/690 V.

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  TS EN IEC 62368-1 Test Probe | MT-68; of IEC 62368 is applicable to the safety of electrical and electronic equipment within the field of audio, video, information and communication technology, and business and office machines with a rated voltage not exceeding 600 V. This document does not include requirements for performance or functional characteristics of equipment. Note 1-Examples of equipment within the scope of this document are given in Annex A. Note 2- A rated voltage of 600 V is considered to include equipment rated 400/690 V.

TS EN IEC 62368-1 is a safety standard for information technology and audio-visual equipment. This standard replaces the old EN 60950 and EN 60065 standards, offering a more modern and flexible approach. Built on a hazard-based structure, TS EN IEC 62368-1 sets performance-based criteria to ensure the safety of products.

The test procedures of this standard are designed to evaluate how products perform under various conditions. For example, tests are conducted in areas such as electrical safety, mechanical durability and thermal performance of devices. It also includes assessments of how products behave under simulated abnormal operating conditions.
It is important for manufacturers to adapt to this transition process; because with the abolition of the old standards in the European Union countries, only products that comply with the TS EN IEC 62368-1 standard will remain on the market. This requires manufacturers to design and test their products according to these new standards.