Transformer Winding Deformation Tester | MT-TSD

 Transformer Winding Deformation Tester | MT-TSD; is used for power transformer with voltage grade of 6kV and above and other transformers with special purpose.

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 Transformer Winding Deformation Tester | MT-TSD; is used for power transformer with voltage grade of 6kV and above and other transformers with special purpose.

Product Description

The power transformer is inevitably vulnerable to impulse of various fault short-circuit current or physical collision

in the process of operation, transportation and the transformer windings may lose stability under the powerful electro-dynamic force

exerted by such short – circuit current, which could result in permanent deformations such as local distortion, swell or dislocation

and will severely affect safe operation of the transformer.

Transformer Winding Deformation Tester

Deformation of transformer windings is measured with frequency response analysis method according to national standard

DL/ T911-2004 for electric power industry, i.e. detect amplitude-frequency response characteristic of each transformer winding and

make vertical or horizontal comparison of the detection

result to judge possible deformation of the transformer winding based on change of amplitude-frequency response characteristics.

What is Transformer Winding Deformation Tester?

Transformer Winding Deformation Tester is a powerful and sensitive method for testing the mechanical integrity of transformer cores, windings and press frames in power transformers.

In Which Situations Is Transformer Winding Deformation Measured?

We recommend testing the winding deformation, especially after the following situations:

  • After the transport of transformers
  • After faults occur at high currents

You can use the MT-TSD Transformer Winding Deformation Tester to check whether the windings are damaged and then start any other actions that may be necessary.

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