HVAC Variable Frequency Resonance Tester

HVAC Variable Frequency Resonance Tester is designed for AC voltage withstand test of 10 kV and 35 kV cable and power generators and 220 kV main transformer and subunits.

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HVAC Variable Frequency Resonance Tester


  1. Strong resistance to interference.
  2. It combines frequency more quickly in each interface.
  3. Multi-interface test result
  4. It automatically monitors and maintains a stable test voltage.
  5. Manual / automatic test function (pause / release)
  6. Fine tuning for frequency and voltage
  7. Large capacity for control part of variable frequency power; Strong protective function; Better output waveform / good stability; Ease of use in single-phase / three-phase supply for field testing.
  8. Flexible match: Different types of exciting transformer, electric reactor, capacitive voltage divider and the like can be used to meet the demands of different test objects. It can serve multiple purposes.

Technical parameters:

  1. Variable frequency power supply, 1 set
  2. Rated Power: 6kVA;
  3. Output Current: 0 ~18A (maximum current changes in different powers)
  4. High-voltage electric reactor (4 sets): 27kV / 1A (The following values vary by different powers)

Rated operating voltage: 27kV

Rated operating current: 1A

Nominal inductance value: 100H

Continuous working time: 60 min.

Temperature rise: less than 60 ° C

Operating frequency: 30 ~300Hz

  1. Exciter transformer, 1 set (The following data varies according to the different powers)                              

Rated capacity: 6kVA

Input voltage: 200V / 400V

Output voltage: 1.25kV for 1.25 / 2.5 / 5kV or 10kV transformer center system; 2.5kV for 35kV transformer center system.

  1. Capacitive voltage divider, 1 set: (The following values vary according to different voltages)

Rated voltage: 150kV

Capacitance of the device: 1000pF

Operating frequency range: 30 ~300Hz

Uncertainty: % 1,5

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