Gauges for Appliance Couplers

Gauges for Appliance Couplers meet EN/IEC 60320-3:2015 Clause 6.

These gauges are designed for size checks of Appliance Couplers according to EN / IEC 60320-1.

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Gauges for Appliance Couplers

Gauges and requirements:

Gauge Figure Requirement
GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C1 Figure 2 It shall be possible to insert the connector fully into the gauge with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C5 Figure 3 It shall be possible to insert the connector fully into the gauge with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO”gauge for connectors to standard sheet C7 Figure 4 It shall be possible to insert the connector fully into the gauge with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for side-entry connectors to standard sheet C7 Figure 5 It shall be possible to insert the connector fully into the gauge with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“NOT-GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheets C1 Figure 6 It shall not be possible to insert the connector into the gauge with a force of 60 N.
NOT-GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheets C1, C5 and C7 Figure 7 It shall not be possible to insert the connector into the gauge with a force of 60 N.
“NOT-GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheets C1 and C7 Figure 8 It shall not be possible to insert the connector into the gauge with a force of 60 N.
Blades for checking the resistance against deformation of the front part of the connector to standard sheet C7 Figure 9 For 2,5 A connectors for class II equipment according to standard sheet C7 shall be sufficiently resistant to deformation.
“NOT-GO” gauge for appliance inlets to standard sheets C8, C8A and C8B Figure 10 When the gauge is inserted between the ridges of the appliance inlet with a force of 30 N, it shall not touch the bottom of the inlet.
“GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C9 Figure 11 It shall be possible to insert the connector fully into the gauge with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“NOT-GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C9 Figure 12 It shall not be possible to insert the connector into the gauge with a force of 60 N.
“GO” gauge for appliance inlets to standard sheets C10 Figure 13 It shall be possible to insert the connector fully into the gauge with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C13 Figure 14 It shall be possible to insert the connector fully into the gauge with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“NOT-GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheets C13 and C17 Figure 15 It shall not be possible to insert the connector into the gauge with a force of 60 N.
“GO” gauge for appliance inlets to standard sheets C14, C16 and C18 Figure 16 It shall be possible to insert the gauge fully into the appliance inlet with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C15 Figure 17 It shall be possible to insert the connector fully into the gauge with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C17 Figure 18 It shall be possible to insert the connector fully into the gauge with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C19 Figure 19 It shall be possible to insert the connector fully into the gauge with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for appliance inlets to standard sheets C20 and C24 Figure 20 It shall be possible to insert the gauge fully into the appliance inlet with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C21 Figure 21 It shall be possible to insert the gauge fully into the appliance inlet with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for appliance inlets to standard sheet C22 Figure 22 It shall be possible to insert the gauge fully into the appliance inlet with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C23 Figure 23 It shall be possible to insert the gauge fully into the appliance inlet with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“NOT-GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheets C13, C15 and C17 Figure 24 It shall not be possible to insert the connector into the gauge with a force of 60 N.
“GO” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C15A Figure 25 It shall be possible to insert the gauge fully into the appliance inlet with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for appliance inlets to standard sheet C16A Figure 26 It shall be possible to insert the gauge fully into the appliance inlet with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for appliance outlets to standard sheet F Figure 27 It shall be possible to insert the appliance outlet fully into the gauge with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for appliance outlets to standard sheet H Figure 28 It shall be possible to insert the appliance outlet fully into the gauge with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for appliance outlets to standard sheet J Figure 29 It shall be possible to insert the appliance outlet fully into the gauge with a force not exceeding 60 N.
“GO” gauge for appliance outlets to standard sheet L Figure 30 It shall be possible to insert the appliance outlet fully into the gauge with a force not exceeding 60 N.
Gauges for checking the distance from the engagement face of connectors and appliance outlets to the point of first contact Figure 31 The appropriate gauge shall be applied to the entry hole of each socket contact of the  connector with a force not exceeding 5 N. When the gauge is fully inserted, the longer pin of the gauge (“contact gauge”) shall make contact and the shorter pin (“no contact gauge”) shall not make contact
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