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DC and AC resistance and is it different from two different points?

What is DC Resistance?

DC resistance is the resistance of the component when connected to DC, that is, the inherent static resistance of the component. The unit of resistance is “Ohm”, denoted by Ω and denoted by “R”. We know that there is no concept of Inductive and Coactive reactance in C Circuits. that is, since there is no frequency in DC circuits, the capacitive and inductive reactances in DC circuits are zero, that is, the magnitude of the DC current is constant. Therefore, only the original resistance of the wire comes into play.

What is AC Resistance?

Impedance, measured in ohms, is the effective resistance to current flow around an AC circuit containing resistors and reactances. In simple words, Resistance in AC circuits is called Impedance or General resistance (Resistance, Inductive reactance and Capacitive reactance) in AC circuits is called Impedance (Z).


Difference Alternative Current (AC) Direct Current (DC)
Current Flow Direction An alternating current flowing through a circuit reverses its direction at a certain frequency. A direct current passing through the circuit does not change direction.
Frequency The frequency of the alternating current indicates how many times the direction of voltage and current are reversed. If the frequency is 50 Hz, it means that the current changes direction 50 times. The frequency of direct current is always zero. Because it never changes direction.
Movement of Electrons Electrons change the direction of motion between negative and positive poles. Electrons only move from the negative pole to the positive pole.
Current Magnitude The magnitude of the instantaneous current changes over time. For af DC the magnitude is always constant. However, it is variable for pulsed DC.
Power Factor It ranges from 0 to 1. It is always 1.
Passive Load Impedance (Combination of Reactance and Resistance). Resistance only.
Wave Type Sinusoidal, Trapezoidal, Square, Triangle. Pure DC and Vibrating DC.
Transmission of Electrical Energy In a power system, the traditional method of transmitting power is the HVAC transmission system. The losses are more than the HVDC transmission system. The losses in the HVDC power transmission system using advanced technology devices are less than in the HVAC system.
Cycle It can be converted from DC supply with the help of inverter. It can be converted from AC supply with the help of a rectifier.
Load Type Resistive, inductive and capacitive type load can be connected. Only resistive type load can be connected.
Source AC Generator DC generator and battery etc.
Danger Dangerous. It is more dangerous than AC for the same power rating.
Application Most residential, industrial and commercial equipment runs on AC. Mobile Phones, Electric Vehicle, Electroplating, Flashlight etc.