AC Hipot Test System | MT-HPTAC
AC Hipot Test System | MT-HPTAC; Testing of power for electrical equipment, apparatus or machines is achieved effectively and directly. It checks dangerous defects that ensure continuous operation of electrical devices.
AC hipot testing, also known as high potential testing, is a crucial procedure used to evaluate the dielectric strength and insulation integrity of electrical equipment. This testing is essential for ensuring the safety and reliability of devices operating at high voltages.
AC Hipot Test System | MT-HPTAC; Testing of power for electrical equipment, apparatus or machines is achieved effectively and directly. It checks dangerous defects that ensure continuous operation of electrical devices.
AC hipot testing, also known as high potential testing, is a crucial procedure used to evaluate the dielectric strength and insulation integrity of electrical equipment. This testing is essential for ensuring the safety and reliability of devices operating at high voltages.